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V-Tag løsningen

En virtuell merkeenhet

og programvareplattform for fiskeoppdrett.

La oss begynne med atlanterhavslaksen

"Det er vårt ansvar å etterstrebe en mer bærekraftig matsektor. La oss begynne med fiskeoppdretten."


mortality rate


Improved farming performance



EBIT increase


Less environmental costs


Ved å integrere avansert videofangstteknologi og

AI-drevet dyp læring 

leverer V-Tag overvåkning i sanntid

av fisk i kulturtanker:

uten stress;

ved å kombinere avbildning og AI-analyser;

for å skille fiskene fra hverandre;

basert på forhåndsinnstilte kriterier.

I utgangspunktet utviklet for landbasert oppdrett av atlanterhavslaks, men med hensikt å utvide

til ørret og andre fiskearter.

salmon farming
salmon farming
salmon farming

Fish gets into vision channel

Imaging of both sides of the fish

Analysis of maturity, condition, health

Diversion based on preset critera 

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Developed initially for Atlantic Salmon farming, with the purpose to expand to trout and other fish species.

Developed initially for Atlantic Salmon farming, with the purpose to expand to trout and other fish species.

salmon farming
salmon farming
salmon farming

Integrating advanced video capturing technology and

AI-driven deep learning

V-Tag delivers real-time in-situ monitoring

of fish in culture tanks:

without stress;

combining imaging and AI-analyses;

to separate the fish;

based on preset criteria.

Developed initially for land-based Atlantic Salmon farming, with the purpose to expand to trout and other fish species.

Fish gets into vision channel

Imaging of both sides of the fish

Analysis of maturity, condition, health

Diversion based on preset critera 

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Developed initially for Atlantic Salmon farming, with the purpose to expand to trout and other fish species.

Developed initially for Atlantic Salmon farming, with the purpose to expand to trout and other fish species.

salmon farming
Our AI-driven tagging device, functions in 3 stages:

The V-Tag


V-Tag løsningen

For å realisere mer effektivt og forutsigbart landbasert fiskeoppdrett,

fungerer vår AI-drevne merkeenhet i fire stadier.


Fish swims into

Vision channel

Individual recognition of each fish allowing for specimen tracebility and follow-up in time.​


Images of 2 sides

of the fish

Length measurement (> 98,2% accuracy) and weight estimation.

Detection of early maturation, determination of sex.​​


AI-analysis of fish's

condition and health

Health monitoring and early detection (based on visible aspects) and treatment of disease.​


Elimination of deformation and injury/ stress reduction.


Fish diversion based

on preset critera

Combines big data and operational data like water quality, temperature and nutrition.

Allowing predictive production management

V-Tag determines when fish are ready for slaughter. 

Fisk svømmer inn 

i visjonskanal

salmon farming


Individuell gjenkjenning av hver fisk muliggjør sporbarhet og oppfølging av prøver over tid.​​

Bilder av 2 sider

av fisken

salmon farming


Lengdemåling (> 98,2% nøyaktighet) og vektanslag.

Oppdage tidlig modning, bestemme kjønn.​​

AI-analyse av fiskens

tilstand og helse

salmon farming


Helseovervåking og tidlig påvisning (basert på synlige aspekter) og behandling av sykdom.​

Eliminering av deformasjon og skade/ stressreduksjon.

Fiskavledning basert

på forhåndsinnstilte kriterier

salmon farming


Kombinerer big data og driftsdata som

vannkvalitet, temperatur og ernæring.​​

Muliggjør prediktiv produksjonsstyring.

V-Tag avgjør når fisken er klar for slakting.


  • Individual recognition of each fish allowing for specimen tracebility and follow-up in time.​

  • Length measurement (> 98,2% accuracy) and weight estimation.


  • Detection of early maturation, determination of sex.​

  • Health monitoring and early detection (based on visible aspects) and treatment of disease.

  • Elimination of deformation and injury/ stress reduction.


  • Combines big data and operational data like water quality, temperature and nutrition.

  • Allowing predictive production management

  • V-Tag determines when fish are ready for slaughter. 

Resulterer i


Individual recognition of each fish allowing for

specimen follow-up in time.

Length measurement

(> 98,2% accuracy) and

weight estimation.


Detection of early maturation,

determination of sex.

Health monitoring and early detection and treatment of disease, elimination of deformation and injury/ stress reduction.


Combining big data and operational data like water quality, temperature and nutrition.

V-Tag determines and separates fish when they are ready for consumption. 





Forbedret oppdrettsytelse



EBIT økning


mindre miljøkostnader


Prediktivt oppdrett

Økt fortjeneste

V-Tag tilbyr

umiddelbar avkastning

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