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Belgian innovation at its finest

Disruptive and

To monitor and control livestock, 
starting with Atlantic Salmon farming.

"Answering the increased need for healthy protein to feed the world after 2030 by more and sustainable fish production"

World Bank report 2013

salmon farming
salmon farming
salmon farming

Make it more predictive

and real-time 

With V-tag, we created a virtual tagging device and AI -driven

software platform to improve your fish farming management.


Currently testing our prototypes

in land-based salmon farms so we can:

improve the animal's health

boost operational efficiency

test scalability

optimize yield ratios

boost revenue


The world is changing

With global demands for fish increasing, the loss of valuable and precious nutrition must be overcome to meet expanding productions. 

More than ever, companies must be adaptable to changing regulations and market conditions.

We need healthier fish

Monitoring and fostering the growth of homogeneous

sea-based fish populations poses a considerable challenge.


There is a high mortality rate because of a delayed response time to acute issues and diseases. Leading to drastic consequences like antibiotics overusage.

Opportunities are here

There is still room for growth in the fish farming industry.

With a recent rush in AI-tec, there are many opportunities to transform the sector from reactive to predictive and livestock management. 

Boosting durability in this sector could be a game changer.

salmon farming
Loss of 20 billion EUR
in 10 years in Atlantic Salmon farming by mortality.

The challenge

  • Lack of real time information on health and general condition of fish.

  • Late response to acute problems (technical, disease, mass mortality, injury, …)

The limitations

  • Limited methods to grow homogeneous populations

  • Limited methods to adjust production to demand and market conditions

The opportunities

There is much room for improvement of fish welfare and sustainability of fish farming methods.

Resulting in


mortality rate


Industry wide revenue loss


In excessive CO2 emissions

1 MT



mortality rate


Industry wide revenue loss


capacity loss

1 MT

In excessive

CO2 emissions

Lack of real time information on health and general condition of fish.

Limited methods to grow homogeneous populations.

Much room for improvement of fish welfare and sustainability of fish farming methods.

Late response to accute problems (technical, disease, mass, mortality, injury, …).

Limited methods to adjust production to demand and market conditions.

salmon farm

Challenges in aquaculture 

Real-time information

Predictive farming

Increased profit margins

V-tag offers

immediate payback

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